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Research paper

“Approximately 6.5 million companion animals enter U.S. animal shelters nationwide every year and each year about 1.5 million shelter animals are euthanized”(Pet Statistics, 2018). This is a big issue in our world today. This is an issue that many states are starting to combat. Each year, states in the U.S. are developing and passing new policies to protect these animals. Although it is a good thing that these states are making laws to protect animals, this is causing yet another issue. States are varying greatly in the quality and rank of their protection for animals.


This is a paragraph from my research paper. This connects to my capstone because I am trying to educate people on how to care for animals so that the statistic goes down. With my project I can make sure that people are not getting animals just on the whim then realizing that they can’t take care of them and giving them away. With the awareness and education the animals being abandoned will be cut down. I decided to look at the legal standpoint for my research to take a look at another factor in why animals are being abandoned. I found that there are gaps in the laws that are being made from the different enforcement of these laws. Another big thing is that new laws are being passed all the time that are helping animals and people need to become more aware of them.

Research Paper

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